Sunday, 19 May 2013

Carbonite versus CrashPlan - A Fair Comparison

Carbonite vs Crashplan
Two very complete cloud-based backup solutions, it should come as no surprise to anyone that it is so incredibly difficult to pick Carbonite over CrashPlan (or vice versa). Both of them offer elite level services and have gained a tremendous reputation in the industry, and though they have different price points they are still so close that it is 100% natural to link them together.
It really all boils down as to which kind of computer user you are and what sort of online backup solutions you’re hoping for to make the perfect choice of Carbonite or CrashPlan. Hopefully our detailed breakdown below gives you the kind of peace of mind you need in making the right decision.
Crashplan Comparison

Carbonite strikes a chord with many users because of its simplicity, even though the feature list is not as deep as other offerings
While there are a number of cloud-based backup plans out there promising the moon and the stars as well as everything and the kitchen sink when it comes to features, Carbonite offers a more stripped-down and usable service than most.
This doesn’t mean that you’re going to find Carbonite to lack any of the critical essentials that one would be hoping for (you’ll still have an unlimited amount of space to backup almost anything, so long as they are on single source computers and are smaller than 4 GB), just that you’re not going to feel overwhelmed at any point in time with a flood of different options just there to confuse you.
Many people and clients that have decided to move forward with Carbonite have stated that the number one reason they chose to use this service over any other – including CrashPlan – is simply because the interface and backup system was so straightforward and simple to use. With a web access interface as well as a tool that you can download directly to your computer, the entire system is almost as easy as moving files around on your local machine – something that any computer user has more than enough experience with.
Truly designed for folks who are lighter users looking for a relatively seamless and straightforward online backup system for all of their local files (and those looking for online access to the same data) without needing all of the bells and whistles of truly enterprise grade backup systems, Carbonite is one of the older online backup solutions and one of the best. Enjoying a sterling silver reputation, you simply can’t go wrong deciding to invest in Carbonite as your go to choice.
CrashPlan has all of the special features you’re looking for – and then some – allowing for truly enterprise grade backup for multiple computers
Where Carbonite is strictly focused on the backup of just a single computer, CrashPlan allows you to backup all of the computers – and other mobile devices like your cell phone and tablets, to name a few. With a full-blown platform designed to offer all of the bells and whistles you could ever want to have access to as far as online backup scale – as well as a reputation stretching all the way back to 2007 as one of the top services in the industry – there is a reason so many people continue to migrate to CrashPlan on a regular basis.
Also offering 100% unlimited space for all of your backup needs but critically offering 448 bit encryption on those transfers as well as the ability to backup files from an unlimited amount of computers (with the CrashPlan family plan), you’ll also be able to enjoy special features that other options just can’t include. We’re talking about unlimited and forever file archiving, a dedicated iOS and Android app, user-defined file versioning, 100% automated backup scheduling, instant and continuous backup settings, and a whole host of other features CrashPlan is quickly becoming a go to solution for those looking for complete and total control over their cloud-based storage solution.
Absolutely designed for people and small businesses who require complete and total control over their online backup solution in ways that folks who are over the moon with Carbonite never will, CrashPlan is an enterprise grade product that is perfect for anyone who needs the peace of mind offered by these endless features. Considering the fact that the price points are identical as far as the first year goes (with the prices slowly growing as far as CrashPlan is concerned), the decision between the two is difficult unless you absolutely positively need these extra features.
While it’s impossible to say which service you should move forward with simply because it’s unknowable which kind of computer user you are and which features you need from your cloud-based storage solution, the difference between these two high-end options is so small that it’s almost inconsequential. Yes, you’ll find that Carbonite is a little bit more simplified and stripped down – but CrashPlan offers an endless amount of features including some that you may be kicking yourself later when not able to leverage them.
Only you’ll know which option is absolutely perfect for you, but know that regardless of which choice you end up making you’re going to be picking between two of the industry leaders. Millions of people all over the globe are already using these two services – and the trend looks to grow and grow in the future – making either one of these a very smart bet to move forward with.

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